a woman applying peanut butter on a toast

5 Snacks to Pack in your Car, Locker, or Gym Bag

The two biggest things to consider when packing snacks are calorie-density and food safety.

Let me know if this scenario is familiar to you. 

Practice just lasted 6 hours….your practice went unexpectedly long…you practiced, you conditioned, you lifted, and all of the sudden it’s 5:00pm..you’re EXHAUSTED…and you just realized you haven’t eaten since breakfast today.

Raise your hand if this has happened to you or your athletes.

It’s unfortunately very common, and it happens to many of the athletes I work with, but they don’t know what they don’t know.

Several of my basketball players have never before put so much emphasis on their nutrition until now. They’re not used to planning when and what they’re going to eat! Let alone planning backup snacks in case their day unexpectedly changes.

And it takes a minute to build up that habit of planning ahead. I remind my athletes all the time…changing their nutrition habits is the same as making a new goal to go to the gym at 5am. We tend to do it a few times, and it feels really good…but we usually fall back into our old habits like sleeping in instead of going to the gym at 5am, because that’s what’s comfortable and easy. But if we accept that falling back into our old habits is just part of the process, then we can more easily reset our intention and figure out how to be more consistent in changing those habits to what we actually want them to be.

Something that helps is having a list of go-to snacks that athletes (and athletic trainers or coaches) can have on hand when their day doesn’t go as planned, and they still need to fuel their bodies. 

The two biggest things to consider when packing snacks are calorie-density and food safety.

You’re going to want to pack high calorie foods, some easily digestible and some to replace a meal…just in case you skip a meal. 

You’re also going to want to pack foods that won’t go bad, at least not quickly.

Here are 5 Snacks to Pack in your Car, Locker, or Gym Bag:

  1. Ingredients to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! You can keep bread for a while unrefrigerated, and store a jar of peanut butter as well. If you want the jelly, get the little individual packs like you find on the tables of restaurants. As a bonus, you could even pack some plastic knives or spoons to assist you.
  2. Trail mix! A great go-to…you can literally make anything into trail mix. I like the idea of a nut, dried fruit, some chocolate or yogurt chips, and something salty like pretzels or sesame sticks. You can also buy trail mix in individual packs or in a bag that reseals itself. Trail mix will last you a while, and it’s a great calorie-dense snack that could replace a meal, too.
  3. Fruit Purees! While these may not be a good meal replacement, they certainly check the box off for fruit and veggie with your meal. They also make a great pre- and during-practice snack. Get that quick carb with some essential vitamins in an easy-to-store easy-to-eat package.
  4. Fruit snacks! Much like the fruit purees, great as a pre- or during-practice snack, but not so great as a meal…but if you’re running out of gas at practice, it’s easy to pop a couple of these in your mouth on a water break and get back to it.
  5. Shelf-stable protein drinks! This can be a great supplement if you are going to spend long hours on campus, or you need something to get you through to your next meal. I don’t recommend it as a meal replacement on it’s own, but it could make a great pair with your fruit purees or fruit snacks. Also not great as a pre- or during- practice snack…but does the trick when you’re feeling hungry and don’t know when your next meal will be.

So remember these 5…ingredients to make a PBJ, Trail Mix, Fruit Purees, Fruit Snacks, and Shelf-stable protein drinks!

The next time you go to the store, add these to your grocery list…and each night when you brush your teeth, stack on the habit of packing these snacks into your backpack…so that if an unexpectedly long day takes advantage of you…you are prepared.

Thanks for listening! Snack away!