Wanting to look cut can negatively impact performance

Eating Less to Look “Cut” and Have Abs: A Letter to Athletes

There is an epidemic among athletes that makes many of them want to be as lean as possible and look, in their words, “cut” and to “have abs.” 

A common question I ask my athletes when we first start working together is “How many calories do you think you’re supposed to eat in a day?”

And much of the time, they tell me “1,800” or “2,000” because this is what they see in the media and on nutrition labels.

Because society is hyper focused on losing weight and for the non-athlete, maybe these amounts work…

But for the athlete, these numbers are dangerously low.

Working to lose weight, look cut, and have abs is not a sustainable way to live or eat, and can wreak havoc on your body. When athletes, especially young ones, attempt to go down this route, they do it without knowing the consequences and without knowing what they actually need. They end up sacrificing nutrient needs, enjoyment of food, and severely impacting their performance in a negative way.

What’s sad about this is the fact that athletes as young as middle school are feeling the pressure to eat this way…

I wish athletes could be satisfied with their fit, strong bodies that support their athletic talent and good health…rather than wanting to look cut or to be a certain weight.

I have to admit, I was an athlete myself who focused on being a certain weight. And the stigma hasn’t left. 

But each athlete within their sport must consider their performance needs, and prioritize those.

My goal here is not to shame those athletes who want aesthetic results, but to encourage athletes to love the skin they’re in. 

Consider the following letter written by your body.

Dear Athlete,

I am so proud of the amazing things we can do together. Remember how well you competed last week? 

We’ve been doing this sport for our whole life. It’s been amazing to grow and help you get bigger, faster, stronger, and smarter.

I wanted to write this letter to have a heart-to-heart with you. Because we need each other. And I’m feeling confused lately.

There was a time when you gave me delicious food, all kinds of it! My favorites are lasagnas, pizzas, pasta, and bread. Those always make me feel strong and energized…and they taste so good.

I feel like I never get those anymore, and it’s making me really tired…exhausted…in fact, though you don’t know it yet, parts of me are breaking down because you continue to push yourself at a high level without giving me the foods I need.

My muscles are shrinking, I feel weaker.

My bones are growing brittle, little by little…I’m afraid they might break soon.

I’m having a hard time making good decisions for you during competition…I’m really sorry for that…I’m trying my best for you.

My tendons and ligaments are overworked…I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on to them.

My gut is working hard to break-down all these foods, and I’m having a hard time managing what you’re eating.

I am doing my best to fight with you, to push and maintain a high level of performance, but I really need you to consider eating more foods that you need.

Will you please take care of me and feed me good foods so I can continue taking care of you like I have your whole life?

I want you to compete in college, injury-free.

I want you to get that scholarship.

I want you to go pro, and do it for a long time.

I want you to enjoy being active the rest our life together.

Which is why I’m asking you, just this once, to please consider enjoying your food and eating more of it. 

Eat the pizza! Eat the pancakes!

You really don’t need to be a certain weight or have a certain body type to be successful or happy.

Appreciate me for what I CAN do, trust me when I’m hungry and thirsty.

I know what we need.


Your Body

Helping athletes succeed in their sport and their life is my passion. Click the link below to join my Facebook community for free resources to share with your athletes.https://www.facebook.com/groups/846358415830025