
Meal Planning 101

So, SO many athletes, their parents, and coaches want a “meal plan” when they come to me for help.

And while they think a meal plan is the answer to their prayers, in reality it simply handicaps the athlete.

Because you pay $$$ for this “meal plan,” and you hand it to your teenage athlete, they follow it for a day…

On day 2, it’s crumpled at the bottom of their gym bag, and they give up following the meal plan.

This leads to $$$ down the drain, athlete isn’t helped, and parents/coaches/athlete feel stuck, frustrated and WORRIED.

Worried that they’ll never figure out the knowledge they need to improve performance with nutrition.

Let me start by saying…

When I help athletes, I work with this quote as my foundation:

“If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. But, if you TEACH a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.”

Meal plans are not inherently bad, but they provide false hope.

False hope that if it’s followed perfectly, it leads to success.

But, what if the athlete is going from eating JUST TWO MEALS per day…

And the meal plan has THREE MEALS + 3 SNACKS…

Do you think that’s a realistic progression? I think maybe the athlete could do that for a day, but it’s going to be overwhelming to keep it up.

Because the athlete didn’t learn

Planning Skills

Organization Skills

Cooking Skills

How to progressively increase their calories

But it’s not their fault! They were given a meal plan that sounded like the perfect solution!

So when I work with an athlete, I help THEM meal plan. But we call it a “fuel plan”.

In my program we talk about fuel plans ALL. THE. TIME.

Because without it, all your new knowledge and skills will crumble.

A fuel plan provides the foundation to be successful. And we create these inside my program.

But today, I’m actually giving you the fuel plan formula today FOR FREE.

Here is what athletes are saying they’re proud of after they create and implement their fuel plans: